"Truth seldom is pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter. A loss of courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in our days..." Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Commencement address at Harvard University , June 8, 1978

Monday 7 June 2010


It has been revealed that schools are failing miserably to teach pupils about the traditional religion of the land, Christianity, in religious education classes, an official study has found.

The education watchdog also pointed out that Christian pupils are continually being marginalised in favour of non-British religious pupils. Ofsted raised concerns that, unlike when teachers teach about Islam, when teaching about Christianity they ignore the religious significance of Jesus parables, which they use to explore pupils’ personal feelings. They reported that, more often than not, pupils are left “confused” and have an “unsystematic” understanding of Christianity.

This may confuse many people, since we were all lead to believe that religion was a core part of the curriculum, however, it seems that the teaching of alien religions, such as Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism, takes priority over Christianity.

Inspectors took a look at RE lessons in 94 primary schools and 89 secondary schools, excluding faith schools, and found that, over the last three years, the number of classes which are deemed as “inadequate” has doubled.

The report said:

“In many cases, the study of Jesus focused on an unsystematic collection of information about his life, with limited reference to his theological significance within the faith. Insufficient attention was paid to diversity within the Christian tradition and to pupils who were actively engaged in Christian practice. Often their experience was ignored and they had limited opportunity to share their understanding. This sometimes contrasted sharply with the more careful attention paid to the experiences of pupils from other religious traditions. “

This report comes as fears are being raised that Christianity is being heavily marginalised by local Political Correct councils, mainly to appease minorities who find our traditions offensive.

While the National Front is not a religious movement, and is in fact a broad church movement, with many people, having various religious beliefs- ranging from paganism to Christianity to atheism- The National Front would like to see more focus on Christianity, but also other traditional British religions, such as paganism…. We think it is appalling that our traditional religion is being made into a mere side note to make way for anti-British and alien religions such as Islam.

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